Wabi Sabi
Wabi-Sabi is a traditional Japanese concept that moves us to continually search for beauty in imperfection. Wabi is about recognizing beauty in humble simplicity.
Sabi is about the way things age and how it manifests itself beautifully in objects over time. Together, these two concepts create an overarching philosophy for
approaching life: Accept what is, stay in the present moment, and appreciate the simple, transient stages of life.
Researching of Japanese culture, arts and history included woodworking with exotic and domestic hardwoods and wood. The design of various Japanese Temple Lanterns followed my desire to create replicas and create my own styles. Kanji or Japanese calligraphy writing flowed into creation of Japanese Kanji Garden Art. The themes of Love, Harmony, Family, Life-Energy, Luck, and Joy are cut into copper discs with decorative design finishes. The Kanji garden art can be displayed in entry ways or gardens greating you and your guests with thoughtful reflections of life.